OBLADAET x Lil Krystal x Aarne type beat MUTANT FLOW
FREE FOR NON PROFIT IF U USE THIS BEAT USE MY TAG 130bpm C, Minor The free version of this beat is available for subscribers for nonprofit purposes only. This means YouTube or Soundcloud use with NO monetization. The free version of this beat is NOT available for streaming services such as Spotify or Apple Music etc. Email: FOLLOW ME IG: VK: BeatStars: SoundCloud: (Ignore Tags) Obladaet, obladet monster trakk, monster trakk type beat, obladaet monster trakk type beat, obladaet monster trakk бит, обладает бит, Aarne type beat, obladaet type beat, obladaet drill type beat, дрилл в фл Студио, арни тайп бит, дрилл тайп бит, rus drill, lil krystal