How to wear an Iaido uniform : A Namazus Casual Tips
This video is a casual guide on How to wear an Iaido Uniform Every Martial Arts have their own basic uniforms and In iaido, there are the Gi, Obi Hakama. Depending on Ryuha they may have other additional layers accessories as part of their uniform. Should you are interested to buy the same uniform set or looking for anything budo related, like wooden weapons or even iaito swords, do feel free to use the link below to get yourself a 5 discount on your first purchase in Tozando (I am unsure if this is a first come first serve or if it works on multiple buyers) i would like to find out as well so if you guys actually used the link do leave a comment below i would like to know how is your experience is using the discount Link. Featured Fellow Budoka: Karl Ruedger How to Tie an Obi drop by his channel and follow him for some great blades a