15 SCARY GHOST Videos Accidentally Caught On Camera
15 SCARY GHOST Videos Accidentally Caught On Camera Scary ghosts, ghosts caught on camera, poltergeists, paranormal activity, Japanese ghost videos, scary TikTok videos, paranormal investigations and ghost hunting are in this list of scary videos. And they are definitely some of the scariest videos on the internet. In this episode of 15 scary ghost videos, you will see: 15 scary ghost videos accidentally caught on camera These include, scary ghost footage taken on a cars dashcam shows a mysterious ghostly figure, but is it a real ghost caught on camera A scary photo taken at a haunted house shows a shadow figure caught on camera. A news station films a creepy moment when a mysterious creature is caught live on tv. A kuntilanak, aka ghost, is caught on video inside a haunted house. The ghost of Pablo Escobar is caught on live TV, but is it really the apparition of Escobar himself Strange camera footage captures a bizarre moment where a person is lifted off the ground by an unseen entity. Polter