How to be a REAL Man in Three EASY Steps
Our Patreon: Our Merch: SubReddit: Insta: wizardswithguns Twitter: WWGTV TikTok: wizardswithguns Lets run through a scenario. Youre sitting in your epic gamer chair with the built in nozzle that converts your piss into piping hot GFuel and youre watching some late night television (probably one of the HILARIOUS Jimmys). Your wife walks in and gives you some Lunchables and a YooHoo (two thirds of your favorite snack), but before you can say What, no gushers she grabs you so hard by the nipples, looks you dead in the eyes, and says: Youre weak, Ronald (your names Ronald in this scenario). If two failed real estate agents who squandered their inheritance on several tons of sand were to attack me, youd run and Id die Im giving you one business week to prove me wrong or its over Then she storms off. Your first thought is how oddly spe