Messa Suspended LIVE in Braunschweigs Church ( DE) OFFICIAL VIDEO
This live video was shot in the unusually beautiful location Jugendkirche in Braunschweig (DE), during our Spring EU tour 2022. Videomakers Thomas Huntke and Anna Maria Lipinski from Black Rainbow Productions captured our performance in its unfiltered and true form. Suspended is an important song for us, as it was one of the first ones we composed for Close. The main theme of the song is the feeling of being stuck, trapped in an unlit dimension. We ll be again on tour in September complete gig list below. First show will be in Montpellier (FR) and it will be in a special location too, the beautiful church Chapelle SaintCharles SEPTEMBER TOUR 2022 22, 09 MONTPELLIER (FR) Chapelle Saint Charles 23, 09 L HOMME SAUVAGE FESTIVAL (FR) 24, 09 PORTUGALETE (ES) Lunacy Sessions 25, 09 MADRID (ES) Wurlitzer Ballroom 26, 09 BARCELONA (ES) Sala Upload 27, 09 TOULOUSE (FR) Le Connexion 29, 09 CLERMONTFERRAND (FR) Le Fotomat 30, 09 CHAMBÉRY (FR) Le Brin De Zinc br, br,