Saint Sulpice organ, Vincent Warnier plays Bach Kyrie, Gott heilliger Geist BWV 671 (6 Feb 2011)
Tribute concert to Aristide CavailléColl (18111899), 6 February 2011. Daniel R0TH, Yann LI0RZ0U, Eric LEBRUN, Vincent WARNIER and SophieVéronique CAUCHEFERCH0PLIN. Vincent WARNIER plays Bach Kyrie, Gott heilliger Geist BWV 671. Première combinaison Manuels (tous claviers accouplés): GO, GCh: Montre 16, Montre 8, Bourdon, Diapason, Salicional, Prestant, Octave, Doublette, Quinte, Plein Jeu, Cymbale, 1re Trompette, Basson 8 POS: Violonbasse 16, Quintaton 8, flute, salicional, Flute 4, Flute Oct, Dulciane, Doublette, Quinte, Larigot, tierce, picolo, Plein jeu, Trompette, Basson 8 REC: Quintaton 16, Diapason 8, Violoncelle, Prestant, Fl oct 4, Doublette, Octavin, Nasard, Trompette, Clairon, Bassonhautbois, Fourniture, Cymbale SOLO: Principal 8, Flute, Bourdon, Gambe, Kéraulophone, Flute 4, Prestant, Octave 4, Oct 2, Quintes, Tierces, Trompette Pédale (sans tirasse) Principal 32, Soubasse 16, Contrebasse, Flute 8, Violoncelle, Fl