G lee ll You Always Make Me Smile
I just know I can t stop thinking of you Excuse the complete and utter randomness of this video. I needed something to get me vidding again and a cheery carefree vid like this was apparently just what I needed. And guess what I didn t even cut the song Which is something I ALWAYS do because I usually don t have the patience or the effort to complete a video using the whole song lol but I did it this time and within three days; ) Achievement How epic was 3x11 Santana being a BAMF as she always is; ) my poor little pirate Blaine XD Sebastian the criminal chipmunk :B sassy Trent (everyone loves a bit of sassy Trent hehe) and Kurt, Rachel and Quinn all got accepted into college yay Oh and OMFG my sweet Faberry moment : ) I m still in shock that we got that And of course, every performance was amazing especially Smooth Criminal, Bad and Scream; ) Oh and who likes my new icon Hehe I made it yesterday XD everytime I look at it I just crack up becaus