Tina Guo Michael Myers HALLOWEEN ( John Carpenter) Music Video
E V E R Y T H I NG M E R C H P A T R E O N , tinaguo My Favorite Things F A C E B O O K , tinaguo I N S T A G R A M , tinaguo T W I T T E R , tinaguo W E B S I T E Business Inquiries: , MikeMyers, Halloween, Cello, JohnCarpenter SONG CREDITS Composer: John Carpenter VIDEO CREDITS Executive Producer: Tina Guo Director, Editor, Stylist, Makeup, Hair: Tina Guo DP: Landon Donoho Mike Myers: Steffen Schmidt Location: Remote Control Productions Bar Sinister THANK YOU Hans Zimmer for letting me borrow your Synths and filming at RCP Tricia at Bar Sinister for the beautiful filming location.