Us Citation For Royal Artillery (1953)
Unissued, unused material. Citation for Royal Artillery gunners action in Korean War, read by American Major FisherHoch who commanded the company in action. Woolwich, London. Various shots of parade ground, troops stand to attention in front of Major FisherHoch on dais. Date on dope sheet is 24, 10, 1953. Note: according to PET dope sheet this item has a sound track. Unfortunately it has been transferred onto tape PM2644. May be retransferred at a later date. FisherHoch s speech as taken from dope sheet: The 83rd Chinese Communist Army drove the full force of its savage assault at the positions held by the 1st Bn. Gloucester Regiment and attached unit, C Troops, 170th Independent Mortar Battery, R. A. On 24 April 51, the weight of the attack had driven the right flank of the battalion back. The pressure grew heavier and heavier and the battalion and attached unit were forced into a perimeter defence on Hill 235. During the night heavy enemy forces had bypassed the staunch def ende