Police chase down man going 100km, h on e scooter after he crashes
Police chase man going 100km, h on escooter after he crashes, Heartpounding footage shows the moment an Australian man going 100km, h on an escooter leads police on a chase from the highway to a bike path where he narrowly avoids cyclists. James Cole, 38, was spotted by police going at high speed along Majura Parkway in Canberra s east on December 23 last year. When two officers on motorbikes try to pull him over, bodycam footage shows Cole refusing to stop and hitting the throttle in an attempt to evade them. The clip, played recently to the ACT Magistrates Court. shows Cole turning off the road and onto a bike path where cyclists dismount to avoid a collision as they hear the engines approaching. When the officers do manage to apprehend Cole after he tumbles off the escooter following a nearly fiveminutelong chase, he pleads with them that he is late for work. ,escooter, policechase, australia, australianews, dailymail Daily Mail Website: Daily Mail Faceboo br, br,