katiecassidy И Кэти Кэссиди 15, 09, 2022
ИКэти Кэссиди, Лорел Лэнс, Черная канарейка 15, 09, 2022 popconme и katiecassidy popconme The heroes are on their way to Dubai. We have only a few days to go until we get the chance to be legendary together. We are expanding our league with the addition of a DC super heroine Hint: When this bird sings, she can bring down the house. This Earth2 heroine is a dangerous hero known for her sonic scream that can shatter metal and stone, and her expertise in martial arts that gives her a fighting edge to rival The Arrow. Let s give a warm welcome to Katie Cassidy, who brings Laurel Lance aka Black Canary to life. Catch her at our Meet the Heroes zone from November 11 13, at Dubai Expo City.