America Population Aka President Johnson Visits Census Bureau (1967)
No title. American population President Lyndon B. Johnson visits the Census Bureau in Washington DC, United States of America (USA). Various shots crowded streets in American city. Various shots mothers and children in park. L, S President Johnson addressing press at Census Bureau. Behind him is a counter showing the current population score at 199, 999, 998. C, U clock face. The counter goes up one number every 8 and a half seconds marking the birth of another American. L, S President addressing the press. M, S people listening. As the President is speaking the counter turns over to 200, 000, 000. C, U the numbers. M, S girls holding banners which chart the growth of the population. The banners read left to right: 1790 4 million, 1880 50 Million, 1915 100, 000, 000, 1967 200, 000, 000. Zoom back to show President addressing press. C, U babies in cots on hospital ward. C, U ditto. C, U baby. C, U ditto. FILM A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL