Becoming ( Pantera) Philip H. Anselmo The Illegals
Philip H. Anselmo The illegals (Choosing Mental Illness Tour 2019 São Paulo) at Tropical Butantã (Jan 2627th, 2019). Philip H. Anselmo, vocals, ボーカル Stephen Taylor, guitar, axe, ギター Joey Gonzalez, drums, ドラム Mike DeLeon, leadguitar, リードギター Derek Engemann, bass, ベース philiphanselmoandtheillegals, choosingmentalillnessworldtour from the, glammetal, classicrock to, blackmetal, thrashmetal, sludgemetaldown, heavymetal , pantera housecorerecords, thehousecorestore, instametal, metalhead, ヘビーメタル, メタル,