Recreating Twitch Plays Pokémon
This is a journey that spanned multiple days as a total of 150, 496 unique players controlled a single game of Pokémon Crystal. So huge thanks to DougDoug allowed me to recreate my favorite historical event: Twitch Plays Pokémon. Even though this adventure originally started as a race between the Twitch Chat communities of other great trainers (PointCrow, CONEYZZ, GrandPOOBear, Linkus7, stanz, failboat, and DougDoug himself), it became something so much larger. Genuinely my favorite experience I ve ever had as a creator. This story takes place over multiple days alongside several mental breakdowns. It wasn t easy, but at least it was possible. One day, I hope to venture off to create Twitch Plays Pokémon once as we continue onwards through the Kanto Also, a massive shoutout to jaidenanimations, birdees6375, and even PointCrow for stopping by during the stream that refused to end. :) MERCH: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: , alpharad, pokemon, twitch VIDEO EDITOR: me :) THUMBNAIL ART: Bobber: THUMBNAIL DESIGN: Crystel: