SUT Public Webinar 13th July 2020 The Russian Poseidon nuclear AUV
In a gamechanging new technological development, the Russian Navy is developing a nuclear powered, and nuclear armed, Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) named Poseidon, NATO reporting name Kanyon. In this webinar, SUT CEO Steve Hall briefs viewers on what is known so far about Poseidon, such as specifications, purpose, detectability, countermeasures and in particular the legal policy implications. After the presentation there s a good Q A session where participants discuss aspects of the vehicle is it going to be the first of a whole family of systems Will the West need to build their own as a countermeasure or as a bargaining chip to negotiate them out of existence Find out more about SUT at Thanks to H. I. Sutton for allowing use of his excellent graphics see where you ll also find comprehensive additional information about Poseidon and other advanced underwater systems.