MMD Internet is for Porn
Un video que armé en 2010, usando el programa Miku Miku Dance y el audio de Internet is for Porn de AvenueQ. El video está sin terminar, ya que por culpa de un formateo errado, el video sin comprimir se perdió, y solamente la version previsualizada de lo que tenía hecho fue lo que pude Aún así espero que les guste. Quizás algún día haga la version aunque claro, es poco probable xD A video I made in 2010, using Miku Miku Dance application and the AvenueQ s Internet is for Porn audio track. This is an unfinishd video, cause the uncompressed version of the video was ruiined due to a failed disk formatting, and just this preview version of what I made until that moment was all what I could save. Even so, I guess you ll like it. Maybe I ll do a new version in the near but maybe not xD br, br,