Buttercream Painting Butterblossoms
Stay Home With Me (02) Wildflowers First of all, thank you so much for a lot of comments that made me so happy and really encouraged me :) Okay for a lot of questions from a new friend, This kind of painting it used buttercream and palette knife. For the buttercream that I used it just American buttercream. The buttercream for painting with the same style as the video you could use any type, I mean any recipe that you like example American buttercream, Swiss buttercream, Italian buttercream, It doesn t have any fancy or secret of the recipe that I use :) for this style in the Video. It easy you could find How to make buttercream and the recipe from Youtube there are many Video you might choose the recipe suitable for you weather and you test ( My recipe 400 g. butter and 800 g. Icing sugar) Note In the video, it uses the model, not a real cake. In this video is 8 mins, I guess quite a long time but I don