Wake Up Call Time to ACT on Climate Change
Watch this short video about global warming and try to choose the correct variant: According to the video, we are living in a time when record high temperatures are causing a) Droughts, low temperatures, creation of new species. b) Droughts, floods and famine. c) Droughts and good harvests. What is the greenhouse effect a) It is the process by which the Earth is becoming cooler. b) It is the process by which due to trapped radiation the planet is getting warmer. c) It is the process by which the heat is kept out of the Earth. Nowadays, temperatures are a) Out of control. b) The same as 100 years ago. c) Slighter different from those before the Industrial Revolution. Waiting for your comments , englisheveryday, english, английский, английскийязык, урокианглийского, учитьанглийский, аудирование, listening