Ten Commonly Banned Spells in Dungeons and Dragons 5e
We discuss the most banned spells in the game, Why you might want to ban them, and in some cases, how to improve their use at the table, or reasons they shouldn t be banned. TIME STAMPS 0:00 Intro 2:01 Goodberry 3:43 Detect Magic, Identify, Comprehend Languages, Speak With Dead 6:15 Counterspell 12:22 Remove Curse 15:40 Revivify, Raise Dead, Resurrection 18:02 Conjure Woodland Beings 20:13 Polymorph 24:09 Plane Shift 26:41 Simulacrum 30:42 Wish Watch us play live Tuesdays 69 PM EDT on Twitch: Join our Patreon community: Get our custom tshirts: Pick up your next D D book on Amazon using our affiliate links below. As an Amazon Affliate, we earn from qualifying purchases: Tasha s Cauldron of Everything Xanathars Guide to Everything h