Sleepy Tiger Moans When He Gets Woken Up
ID: 3416707 This lazy loaf of a big cat wants nothing more than a lie in and makes his displeasures known when his keeper wakes him up. Zion the tiger is cared for at the Out of Africa Wildlife Park in Camp Verde, Arizona, USA, and has a nice cosy den to sleep away the mornings. But keeper Brittney Olson checks on Zion in the morning as he does not get up at a regular time like the other big cats. But when awoken, like many of us, Zion whines and yawns as he stumbles out of his den in hilarious fashion. Please contact for media, licensing, broadcast usage SUBMIT A VIDEO: Connect with Caters: Twitter: Facebook: Website: Instagram: Company Information: Caters Clips is owned and operated by Caters News Agency Ltd, an internationa