Selected Originals Special The Shining Light (1951)
Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, outtakes, rushes) for story Princess At Premiere 51, 78. Material for Newsreel story extra shots. Warners Cinema, Leicester Square, London. GV Traffic passing through Piccadilly at night. TS Across Piccadilly Circus Neon Signs. CU Pan from Neon Sign to travel shot up Leicester Square. SV Statue of Florence Nightingale. CU Name Florence Nightingale pan down to sculptured figures of wounded soldiers. GV Pan down Warner Theatre. Large sign The Lady With A Lamp. CU Pan Sign The Lady With A Lamp. CU Picture of Anna Neagle holding lantern. CU Sign large letters The Lady With A Lamp. SV side view. people entering theatre. SV Crowd watching. LV People entering theatre. SV People entering theatre. SV Mr and Mrs CJ Latta arriving in vestibule. VS of guests arriving Michael Wilding, Anna Neagle, Gladys Young, Herbert Wilcox, Googie Withers, Mr HE Freedman (Treasurer of the Premi