Python Django Web Framework Full Course for Beginners
Learn the Python Django framework with this free full course. Django is an extremely popular and fully featured serverside web framework, written in Python. Django allows you to quickly create web apps. Code: Course Contents (0:00:00) 1 Welcome (0:01:14) 2 Installing to Get Started (0:05:02) 3 Setup your Virtual Environment for Django (0:14:39) 4 Create a Blank Django Project (0:18:54) 5 Setup Your Code Text Editor (0:22:27) 6 Settings (0:29:58) 7 BuiltIn Components (0:33:57) 8 Your First App Component (0:42:34) 9 Create Product Objects in the Python Shell (0:46:18) 10 New Model Fields (0:52:52) 11 Change a Model (0:59:27) 12 Default Homepage to Custom Homepage (1:04:48) 13 URL Routing and Requests (1:10:23) 14 Django Templates (1:16:50) 15 Django Templating Engine Basics (1:24:00) 16 Include Template Tag (1:26:49) 17 Rendering Context in a Template (1:33:21) 1