Prime 1 Studio: Frodo Gollum ( The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Film) Statue
Naughty little fly Why does it cry Caught in a web Soon you ll eaten. Gollum to Frodo in Shelobs lair Prime 1 Studio is incredibly proud to present the next offering in our Premium Masterline The Lord of the Rings series: Frodo and Gollum from The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is the culmination of the magnificent Lord of the Rings trilogy from esteemed director Peter Jackson. In the Second Act, unable to kill Frodo himself, Gollum leads the hapless hobbit into the lair of the spiderdemon, Shelob Prime 1 Studio skillfully captures the moment wherein a vulnerable, but courageous Frodo Baggins ventures into Cirith Ungol, oblivious to the betrayal he is about to befall. Gollum urges Frodo into Shelobs lair; his plan: to steal the One Ring from Frodo after he has fallen prey to the spiderdemon The facial subtlety of Frodos growing concern and Gollums malicious intent have both been captured by our talented sculptors. We have used s