Медитация избавится от негативной кармы предков Ancestral Karma Clearing, Release Negative Buildup Inherited From Dna Family Bloodline
, ancestralkarma, releasenegative, EnergyClearing Our ancestors have a very powerful effect upon us on an energy level. There can be a lot of positive and negative, that flows our way from our DNA bloodline. Ancestral healing is the method to deal with all ancestral issues that has been passed on to us from our parent, grandparents and beyond in our family tree. If you suspect that you have inherited ancestral karma or a generational curse, even if you have had many healings, and always seem to be held back in life or feel weighed down by negative energy. The clearing of ancestral karma is very valuable for your soul and also protects your children or future children from the ancestors karma. Once the clearing of negative ancestral karma is completed, people report much more clarity and positive connections with ancestors. Its not that the family is evil, its because parents have inherited some baggage from their parents and their parents inherited it from their parents and so on. Y