Boogie Woogie Improv on a Slippery Floor
Welcome to RockingSummer Festival. It was an event of Dimitri and Alessia our fellow dancers who are organizing it in Bologna. This particular performance was fun and special, because the floor was slippery and Sondre fell during the first part. He did it in such a cool way that if his face wouldnt be showing, no one would notice a mistake. It was also remarkable because the last time we were at this event, Sondre decided to improvise and made an over head roll, kicked me in the legs and we both fell on the floor. Dimitri even asked me after the performance how can I stay so positive and calm after such situation. It is just dancing was my answer. No need to spoil the mood because of the silly mistake. So did we this time too We stayed happy after that dance regardless of the floor or mistake We hope you will enjoy it too Big hug from us as always, Sondre and Tanya Learn Swing Dancing Online with Sondre Tanya here: