Mermaid of Venice
Short film based on Charles Bukowski short story: The Copulating Mermaid Of Venice, CA Produced and Directed by Gregory Flitsanov. Cast: Tom DeMar, Guy Mack, Irena Eremina, Val Beleniuc, Hayk Ghaltakhchyan. Music by: Tom Waits ( Dead and Lovely and Sea of Love ) and by Cat Power ( Sea of Love ) Camera: Cinematographer Gregory Flitsanov, Camera B operator, CoCinematographer Val Hovanesian. Art Department: Gregory Flitsanov and Irena Eremina (as a Concept Artist) Sound: Julian SheredaMcKenna Editor: Gregory Flitsanov Makeup: Tommy Diaz Production Assistant: Lon Sterling Filming Locations: Venice Beach, CA, Glendale, CA and Los Angeles, CA br, br,