I lost you and I couldnt bare it
You can find me here: Instagram: Twitter: +++++++++++++++++++++++ MESSAGE: All of this month (March) I ll be posting very dark crossovers, using Legacies mainly, so yeah, expect that, and after this, I hope I won t use that show for but I have an obsession deal with it haha +++++++++++++++++++++++ SYNOPSIS: Josie is the only person Michael has ever trusted, loved, but when Josie proves to be equally powerful as him, maybe even more, and begins to see the true evil which lies in him, hes convinced he has to kill her in order to complete his fathers (Satan) mission of starting the apocalypse. +++++++++++++++++++++++ GENERAL INFO: SONG, I wish you were dead COLORING, lenanellyshow PROGRAM, Final Cut Pro X FANDOMS, Legacies, American Horror Story , fanvidfeed, crossover I DO NOT OWN THE CLIPS OR THE SONGS I USE IN MY VIDEOS, JUST THE EDITING. ALL MY VIDEOS ARE PURELY FAN