Its Allright With Me, SWR Big Band New York Voices
Performed in Stuttgart, Schlossplatz, Kirchentag 2015 Its allright with me composed by Cole Porter, arranged by Darmon Meader New York Voices Darmon Meader, Lauren Kinhan, Kim Nazarian, Peter Eldridge SWR Big Band Trumpets Nemanja Jovanovic Felice Civitareale Karl Farrent Rudi Reindl Trombones Marc Godfroid Johannes Lauer Ian Cumming Georg Maus Saxes Klaus Graf, as Matthias Erlewein, as Axel Kühn, ts Andi Maile, ts Pierre Paquette, bs Rhythmn Guido Jöris, dr Decebal Badila, b KlausPeter Schöpfer, g Klaus Wagenleiter, p Conducter: Florian Helgath