OVA PITA JE ODUSEVILA JOSIPA posni kolač koji ima jako bogati okus
, justkatebake, recepti, kolači, posno SASTOJCI INGREDIANTS Kore dough 550 gr brasna flour 1 zl. Secera tbsp of sugar 1 suhi kvasac instant yeast 7 gr 1 vanil secer vanilla sugar 1 praska za pecivo baking powder Limunova korica lemon zest 150 ml ulja oil 250 ml mlake vode lukewarm water divide the dough into 5 pieces, ket it rest for 10 min. Than make 5 equal layers with filling betwean each. (if you want non fast cake you can switch water with milk, and oil with 150 gr butter and put chocolate glaze on top of the cake) Nadjev filling 500 gr dzema od marelica apricot jam 100 gr mljevenog maka poppy seeds grounded 200 gr mljevenih oraha grounded wallnuts Bake in a pan 20x30 cm. 160170 without ventilation for about 30