The NOISE presents, February 2024 Edition
Introducing The NOISE, a monthly recap of all the incredible Better Noise Music releases, upcoming releases Listen to the Better Noise Music 101 Playlist here for the latest releases of all your favorite artists: Subscribe to the Better Noise Music Channel for more: Shop the latest merch from your favorite Better Noise Music bands here: 0:00 The Noise Intro 0:16 Five Finger Death Punch Judgement Day (Acoustic) 0:58 Nothing More If It Doesn t Hurt 0140 Asking Alexandria Nothing Left 2:20 Bad Wolves Knife 2:50 Dirty Heads John Linen (ft Yelawolf) (Live) 3:06 Cory Marks Different Kind Of Year 3:54 Cory Marks The Noise Outro , BetterNoiseMusic, TheNOISE, fivefingerdeathpunch, nothingmore, askingalexandria, badwolves, dirtyheads, corymarks