The Replacement g ODS 2 Revelation
Take a look at the superheroes phenomenon taking Hollywood by storm. Every culture since the dawn of time has told fantastical tales of heroes that have saved humanity from some unspeakable evil. The effect these mythological tales had on humanity when the true Savior Jesus Christ arrived on earth was devastating. Many didnt recognize Him because they were seeking a much different hero. Did the Devil blind us from Christs first coming by flooding the world with counterfeits of Gods prophesies Since superheroes in comics are based on classical myths, is the devil blinding us again from the greatest supernatural event the world will ever witness, Christs 2nd coming As we look around, it seems like the world is just getting darker. Morality has no bounds and humanity is entertaining all kinds of evil. Will there be a final distruction that the book of revelation talks about Could superhero movies, with their endless apocalyptic themes, possibily be a strategy by satan to lure humans into a fatal decepti