Ex Oasis Manager Exposes Liam Noel Gallagher: Iain Robertson
Iain Robertson is the former manager of one of the world s most famous rock bands Oasis. Iain talks drugfuelled parties, punch ups with Liam and what touring life was really like with the Gallagher brothers. This is the Eventful Life of Mr Iain Robertson Iain s Book: The Eventful Lives Podcast Chapters: 02:00 Parachute Regiment Tours 10:00 Duran Duran 12:00 Sting Duran Duran Parties 16:00 Security Protection 20:00 John Lennon Quote 21:00 Oasis Tour Managing 24:00 Rock n Roll Noel Punched 27:00 Johnny Rotten Sex Pistols Argument 30:00 Oasis Reunion 31:00 Liam Noel 35:00 Pre Global Domination 39:00 Gallagher Brothers with Drugs Booze 44:00