GIVE IT TO ME A Parody of Feelin Groovy, Freedom Toast, Cinebot, Don Caron
Lyrics : The Freedom Toast, Performance and Recording: Don Caron Video Editing: Alison D. Theodore Executive Producers Sally Headley, Jerry Pender The Freedom Toast To help keep Parody Project alive and functioning, please visit Parody Project Store: To become a Patron of Parody Project please visit our Patreon Page You can sign up to our mailing list on our website so you don t miss any of our new posts. Lyrics to Give It To Me Written by The Freedom Toast Speed up, inject me fast I need an antibody blast, so Come on, ram that needle home Need a vaccine, so give it to me (Ba da da DA da, give it to me) Hey there Fauci, whatcha knowin Hows the vaccine program goin Aint ya got no shot for me Do it n dodo Give it to me (Ba da da DA da, give it to me) Hey Joe Biden, tell the nation, Screwed by Trumps administration Need to f