Second Life Annie Abhi Happy wedding
This video is a record of a wonderful wedding ceremony performed in a virtual space called the second life by obstinate bond and many friends of Annie Aiten and Abhi Aiten. The bridal couple married in Wedding Venue in the second life on June 19, the world of the rial, Annie living in Kuala Lumpur gets to knowAbhi living in New Delhi in the second life which is a virtual space, and they brought up love, and I photographed a private beach with their lover s sweet home and the dance hall of their memories as memory on the video of the wedding ceremony. Video production of this wedding ceremony is experience for the first time and I was able to get to know their friend again and was able to spend very fun time with them and, for me, want to really thank a bridal couple. Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness. Oliver Wendell Holmes I wish your love grow forever () br, br,