Top 10 Special Forces On Earth
These are the best Special Forces that have proven themselves not once. Top 10 Special Forces list was created according the quantity of successfully done missions (although most of them are very classified), length of the training and of course the quality of equipment they use. It s my personal opinion so if you have any other idea of Top 10 Special Forces please write in comments bellow, I will read your message and answer why these or those Special Forces are not in list. I hope you like the video and click on the Like button, Thanks in advice Enjoy ( , ) , , , , , ) ) ) () , , , (, , , , 10. Turkey Bordo Bereliler (Maroon Berets) 9. Norway Marinejegerkommandoen (MJK) 8. Germany Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK) 7. Poland Grupa Reagowania OperacyjnoManewrowego (GROM) 6. United States Army Special Forces (Green Berets) 5. Canada br, br,