angel with a shootgun, , Crossover Couples
This took a while to get uploaded. Big thank you to all of you and a special thanks to CrystalPumpk1n for taking parts on the last minute. Don t forget to check and sub all the great vidders :) jenfirelight Jack(TW) River(Firefly), Eleven(DW) Audrey Parker (Haven), ,Jack (TW) River(DW) Ezmeraldee Cas (SPN) Lydia(Teen Wolf) EverySongEndsStudios Dean(SPN) Veronica(Veronica Mars), Sam(Spn) Brooke(OTH) EchoOfDarkness76 Becker (Primeval) Esther (Torchwood) maryjonas96 Eleven (DW) Morgana(Merlin), Ten(