Oscar De La Hoya vs Shane Mosley II September 13, 2003 720p HD Sky Sports, Intl Feed HBO Commentary
LEGIT 720p HD STARTS AT 7:17 Rather infamous rematch here for a few reasons. Basically that all boils down to two things. First, many feel Oscar got jobbed here. Second, Shane was on the Shane was on two juices. Shane was juiced to the gills and the juice was provided by Victor Conte s soon to also be infamous BALCO Laboratories. Many think Oscar beat two proven steroid enhanced opponents in his career, Fernando Vargas, who pissed hot after the aptly titled Bad Blood fight, and here against Mosely in the rematch. Look it up if you don t know much about it. It is a rather odd tale, and one that ends even odder, with Oscar still allowing Mosely to partner up to some degree in the earlyish stages of Golden Boy Promotions. Odd indeed. This was a big pain in the ass to make. If there is a desire for it, I can post the whole Sky broadcast of the fight itself, meaning the fight with the inbetween round footage. It is all in 480p though