I Am the Very Model of a Modern Climate Modeller
Crush the Green New Deal: I am the very model of a modern climate modeler, Ecologist, empiricist, there s no one Aristotleer, Employing mathematics, theoretic and statistical, And arcane correlation computations syllogistical; I prove that human action, agricultural, industrial, Will overheat with CO2 the planet, therefore must we all Obey the Queen of England s populational reduction goals And late at night I like to ogle Greta Thunberg videos. And late at night he likes to ogle Greta Thunberg videos And late at night he likes to ogle Greta Thunberg videos And late at night he likes to ogle Greta Thunberg viddiiddioes I m getting paid to demonstrate the world is far too populous, Especially the poorer dark complexioned countries where we must Kill off six billion babies, adults, teenagers, and toddlers: I am the very model of a modern climate modeler To kill six billion babies, adults, teena