Best of the Worst: Battle of the Genres
Florps Hoggenwarsch once said, The day four men in their forties spend a lovely afternoon with each other participating in such infallible and wasteful follies instead of putting in a hard days work, well thats the day I put a pistol in my mouth Florps Hoggenwarsch was one of the literary giants of his time (1802 1842) as well as a notable cultural critic and observationist. Florps did indeed put a pistol in his mouth whenceforth he discovered that four of his dearest friends spent a lovely afternoon in 1842 reading aloud and mocking amateur books and poems to the enjoyment of a small crowd of other failures. The crowd consisted of toothless townfolk, drunkards, exconvicts, perverted men, and failed politicians (some crossover) along with some very smart animals. As Florps friends read passages aloud from the failed poets and aspiring novelists of the time, the crowd laughed loudly and chewed on raw potatoes. They threw cornhusks and flatulated freely. These four men (friends of Florps) were in t