aye zajeer ki jankar, RAZIA SULTAN, hema dharam, kabban mirza
aye zanzeer ki CHIMING CHAINS STIRRING SOULS GRACE OF GOD AWAKENING Asunder SOULFUL SLUMBER AND EXQUISITE EXPRESSIONs set to melifluous melody A PRECIOUS PROCLAMATION AND love that beckons THE BEACONS of desire ARE THE THEMES OF THE SONG IN POETIC SPENDOUR. The classic tale of the first woman in WORLD recognised by all from caliphate to china to rome as anointed emperor of the Indian muslimSa genius TRAINED by her MOST pious and saintly father sultan iltumish unique in HUMAN history from 11 th century ade muslim Delhi sultanate who is called RAZIA SULTANA FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS she vanished mysteriously after bureacratic and martial conspiracy and a war against her in a battle where she was defeated by her opponents the white muslim turkish aristocrats in 1140 becoming a legend and her grave is reported in at least six places making her an occult subject of historical mystique, but her 4 year rule over male hierarchy was examplary in all pers