Fairy Mushroom House: Needle Felting on a Wet Felted Background Tutorial, livingfelt
Shop Fairy Mushroom House supplies here: Previously, we carded a Fairy Fantasy Art Batt on our drum carder, and then wet felted the Art Batt into a beautifully blended canvas background. In this tutorial, we are finishing this piece off by needle felting a sweet Fairy Mushroom House onto our handmade felt background. Join Marie as she needle felts this 2D scene that has some 3D textural elements to it as well Give your mushroom house a dimensional roof with bright flowers growing over it, a door with a recessed look and cobblestone steps leading up to it, and a garden to get lost in Experiment with needle felting different wools and luster fibers to add perfect pops of color and texture to this playful scene Explore more 2D Needle Felting 2D Needle Felted Cluster Houses: Tips Tricks for Mounting and Framing you