VISIT: SOMA Sound Machines Factory in Warsaw
, soniclab, somasynth, visit A couple of weeks back we were invited to visit the Soma Sound Machines factory in Warsaw, Poland. As well as a look at the first production models of the expressive Terra instrument, we got a look around their place. PCBs and components are delivered here, the Through Hole hand soldered components are put onto the boards, any SMD (surface mount design) parts are sent off to the machine, units are tested put into the cases and shipped to distributors and customers. Lyra 8, Kosmos, Pulsar23 and Ether are made here and pretty soon the new Terra will be too. Its actually a pretty cottage style industry, surprisingly small but also very efficient. Check out the other videos we show while we were there. Full disclosure: we paid for our flights, they put us up for the night. Exclusive extra content on Patreon Frozen Reverbs Racks for Live: Subscri