Lana Parrilla This Is Me
my life wasnt just a story, it was many stories. . to some Im a villain, to others Im a hero Feedback are appreciated Please dont dislike this video cause you dont like the ship or the character(s). Everybody is free to ship whoever they want with whoever they like. I respect you, your ship and your works so, I expect the same from you from a vidder to another. first of all, THANK YOU LANA MARIA PARRILLA FOR BLESSING THIS WORLD WITH YOUR TALENT AND PERFECTION well, if you follow me on twitter then you knew this was coming Ive always wanted to make a video that could involve all the characters Lana played through the years but I was so unsure. . when I finally found the courage and decided to make it, this song was the first one that came up in my mind tbh, isnt it perfect (gosh, I love it so badly but I wont start talking about The Greatest