MAW Hardcore Cup 2002
1. Adrian Serrano vs. Barfly Mike 2. Hardcore Cup 2002 First Round Thumbtack Death Match: Dino Bambino vs. Mitch Page 3. Hardcore Cup 2002 First Round Live Fluorescent Lightbulbs Barbed Wire Boards Match: 2 Tuff Tony vs. Ian Rotten 4. Hardcore Cup 2002 First Round Lucky 21 Staple Gun Match: Hardcore Craig vs. Necro Butcher 5. Hardcore Cup 2002 First Round Barbed Wire Table, Barbed Wire Board, Barbed Wire Bat And Pillar Of Salt Match: Corporal Robinson vs. Madman Pondo 6. Carmine DeSpirito vs. Jerry Maywald (Winner Becomes MAW Commissioner) 7. Hardcore Cup 2002 Semi Final Log Cabin Of Glass Match 8. Hardcore Cup 2002 Semi Final Taipei Death Match 9. Dysfunction vs. Frankie DeFalco (MAW Heavyweight Title Match) 10. Hardcore Cup 2002 Final Four Corners Of Pain Ladder Match