Super Heavy Booster 3 Static Fires for the First Time, Space X Boca Chica
SpaceX performs a full duration static fire of Super Heavy Booster 3. This is the first prototype booster to be fueled and ground tested. Booster 3 has three Raptor engines installed though Elon Musk stated they may try to fire it with nine engines in the future. Video from Mary (BocaChicaGal) and the NSF Robotic Camera Team. Edited by Brady Kenniston (TheFavoritist) All content copyright to NSF. Not to be used elsewhere without explicit permission from NSF. Click Join for access to early fast turnaround clips, exclusive discord access with the NSF team, etc to support the channel. Rolling Updates and Discussion: Articles: NSF Store: L2 Boca Chica (more clips and photos) from BC s very early days to today. (Join L2 and support NSF here: www