Forevermore: Asian Drama, Movie Mix Dedication Video
GET READY FOR A VERY LONG DESCRIPTION OMO Finally I made a Drama, Movie feels like forever since I made one and I actually used the WHOLE song pats self on the back Anyway This is a dedication video and I pretty much said everything I wanted to say in the begining of the video but I still have more to say also on a side note I forgot to put Mai (Maisimus) in my dedication and that is sooo silly of me so MAI im sorry and my prays are with you and your Best friends family Also I forgot 2 important people in my dedication AnonBlackMV and queencofbrooklyn I swear im sorry you guys I really hope you know how much I love you girls and your videos I swear ALL of you guys are the reason I even vid in the first place. I mean sure I love to edit and I probably still would but it wouldn t be nearly as fun as it is right now with the amazing group of people that comment and talk to me on a daily basis. This really is my escape br, br,