AMC April 9, 1993, 6023
Episode aired on April 9, 1993. Show number, 6023. Kendall visits Mona for breakfast. Mona is looking for more information about Kendall. Nick Davis visits Mona, concerned by the tone of her voice in their last conversation. Mona postpones her breakfast date with Kendall and talks to Nick instead. Then Kendall tells Erica that Nick showed up at Mona s. This makes Erica paranoid and she calls Mona and orders her to come over. When she does Erica confronts her about what she s up to. Then she puts Nick in the hospitality suite, dispossessing Kendall. Dimitri suggests to Erica that Bianca come and live with them. Nick tries to persuade Mona to tell him what s troubling her. Kendall moves into Mrs. Fargate s boarding house, closes the door, and removes the head from a doll.