Origami dress How to make an origami dress craft tutorial Hand Made
Origami dress How to make an origami dress craft tutorial Hand Made In this tutorial, I ll show you how to make an origami dress made of paper This is very interesting spring hand made craft is made very easily. Origami dress in terms of difficulty is suitable for beginners. To begin with, I always advise you to fold the origami from the rough paper and work on it on the wrinkles, and then proceed to the coloured paper. If origami dress is difficult to do yourself, you can ask for help from adults or friends. Together origami fold is much more fun. So, in order to make the origami dress, you need to cut out two square sheets of paper of the same size and follow the instructions shown in the master class. All the details of origami dresses should be folded exactly and neatly, so that the origami dress turned out beautiful This origami dress can be used for decorating cards, you can make such a dress for a paper doll. I wish you creative success