STUDENTS LIFESTYLE: HAS IT CHANGED SFEDU Professors And Students Sharing Their Experience
The university is, first of all, the people who work and study there. It is often said that our professors don t understand the students. We decided to check if it s really true. The aim of the video is to find out how much the students routine and attitude towards studying has changed throughout time. For this, our professors and students answer the same questions about their experience of being a student. 0:09 How much is the students lifestyle different from that of the previous generations 0:55 How many classes did you have per week 1:07 Did, do you have enough free time 1:23 Did, do you suffer from sleep deprivation 1:57 How much time did, do you spend in the library 2:40 How were, are you punished for being late for classes, skipping classes 3:24 What leisure activities do, did you do in your spare time 3:47 What is, was a usual examination procedure 4:04 How did you relax after classes 4:25 Was, Is it difficult to study