DIY Powerful K Style Rocket Stove Forme Industrious
In this video I make a K style Rocket Stove. On our Off Grid property that we hope to move to soon, we have a lot of timber and twigs that are great for camp fires and cooking etc. I figured I should make a rocket stove and save money on natural gas. Why a Rocket stove Rocket Stoves are quite efficient in burning small branches and twigs to produce a very hot directional fire directly beneath your frying pan, pot etc. They use very little wood (fuel) to cook a meal and produce very little smoke once it is heated. They are a great portable option for camping. This stove is quite large and puts out a lot of heat. Trick is to start a small fire in the combustion chamber, which heats the whole stove up and creates that rocket effect, sucks air in and it speeds up the combustion shooting flames out the top. Adding sticks as it heats up. (I love it :) To make this Rocket Stove check the video for the dimensions I used. The main body is made from 100 x 100 x 4mm Tube. Legs from 6